Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Sit quietly and remember

   Good morning sweet friends!  I was checking out the blog stats and was overwhelmed at how many pagehits I am getting.  Thank you so much!  I mean really.  It is clear that the vast majority of you do not leave comments... I understand.  Just the fact that you are clicking on to this little blog makes me feel wonderful.  But, if you have not left a comment, do so today... just let me know what you think.
And to those of you who regularly leave comments and emails... a very big sloppy kiss to you!

  I'm heading out today to my meditation group this morning.  Then off to meet up with an old dear friend. Someone who I have not seen in ages. I need to tell him how much I think of him and how much I wish we could be close again.  We had been very sexual once upon a time.... then other things happened and we drifted apart.  I don't need the sex stuff from him...although I do remember fondly
the feel and taste of his Dick..... no, it is the friendship that I miss most.  I really need to get that back.

  Take the time to sit quietly and remember an old friend... then reach out and try it again.

    UPDATE: 10AM....  My neighbor guy is moving out!  He wants to give me a good bye fuck tonight!!!


  1. Only two (2) dicks showing today....but lots of nice men...based upon your comment and your selection of photographs you must not be as horny today as you often are! :-)

  2. Very nice sentiment...and good advice.

    Sorry your neighbor is moving out... Here's hoping a new guy moves in who is just as bold.

  3. This blog is one of the most beautiful and artistic I've found. I'm not at all surprised by the large amount of visitors. Keep up the good work. Everyday I fall in love with two, three, or four fine men on your pages. I already love you.

  4. Wonderful post with a wonderful selection of photos. Enjoy your evening! Cheers, AOM

  5. have a lovely day and hope you can reconnect with an old friend. XOXO

  6. I really like your site, which I found less than a week ago. Love reading your comments and looking at the galleries of beautiful men with each day's entry. Thanks.

  7. i have becum aDickted to your fabulous blog and visit it daily. you have a way with words, cocks and carriers and i Praise Cock in the Hardest and Wettest for your continuing efforts to spread His Word to the Universe that He Created and Sustains. i have ripped a number of your sweet imagines and use them when i tweet (boinub) as well as when i chat IRC/undernet/#totalcockworship. Please continue to rise each morning and embrace Our Lord and Master, Cock!


Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!