Sunday, June 24, 2012

Talking to Da Dick O'Mine

          Well, hello there! Welcome and good morning!  So glad you are taking the time out of your day to stop by.   So what is going on today with you?   Me? well, not too sure now... I have plans for a threesome with The Waiter and his Friend later this afternoon.   But I woke up all sweaty and sneezing.    I got caught on my bike in a major rain downpour yesterday afternoon on my way back from he grocery store.  By the time I got home I was drenched right through my jeans to my underwear... really!
Even my balls were totally wet.  At least when I did wake up this morning Da Dick O'Mine was nice and hard... He really wanted me to play with him... I could hear him saying  "stroke me, I wanna cum".
But I was just unable to concentrate... I tried.. oh yeah I tried. I kept sneezing and coughing.  So I gave up and told Da Dick  O'Mine to calm down..I would try later and then curled up back in bed for awhile.   He kept waking me up,because he was still hard. I told him I know you wanna cum... but I just do not have the energy to do it now.
          So.... I did fall asleep and woke up again still feel shitty!  But Dat Damn Dick O'Mine is still hard.... so I told him to just wait a little longer and let The Waiter suck on him... and he might even get to enter The Friend's ass If he is good and just wait.  
         Am I crazy talking to my Dick?  Do you talk to your Dick?

         I will let you all know what happens... but for now let your Dick know you care and are ready to let him  cum.  Oh, you already did?  Good for you.... go ahead and do it again!


  1. Good Morning QH, Not crazy at all in my book. I chat with my cock every day, too. He's been a very special friend my entire life. Speaking of which, he's raging hard right now and wanting to cum too. Your pix, especially that last pic - delicious cum dripping from the guys cock has got me cranking hard. I hope you feel better by the time your two friend show up. I am sure you will ready for the occasion! Have fun and let us know how it went. More fuel for our bate! Hugs, AOM

  2. Hope you start feeling better very soon!!! Huggles!

  3. aw sorry to hear you aren't feeling well hope you feel better soon. As for talking to to da Dick now i just feel left out not having one to talk to.. hehe OK i do talk to myself though does the count. anyways have a wonderful day and sorry i didn't get by yesterday was out mowing the field and was to exhausted to read anything. XOXO

  4. "Doww, boy, not yet!"

    "Down I said! not yet"

    "O.K, boy, come out and play!"

  5. Of course I talk to my dick. Is there a man alive who doesn't? If so, I'd like to speak with him and understand how that could be!

  6. 1. Yes, but that's OK because we are all a little crazy in one way or the other.

    2. No. He doesn't have ears or, for that matter, a brain. I may be crazy in other respects, but I learned long ago that my guy never listens to me, even assuming he had the ability to. (E.g., tenting on a date when I didn't want him to.) His duties are simply to keep soft when tenting would embarrass me, to get hard when I need him to perform, and to send wonderful feelings to my brain. I still love him, but our relationship is, how do you say? -- "non-verbal."

  7. Mike....Love your comment! Send me an email so I can say hello properly.


Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!