Sunday, October 6, 2013

My Sunday Sermon

   Good morning! Good morning! Good morning!  Damn, I feel so good this morning!  I mean really good.  Last night, or should I say early this morning was spectacular!  I know this might sound very un popular to say this... but being able to have random sex with random guys in random one of the joys of being a Gay Man!   
      I am all for the mainstreaming of the Gay community as far as civil rights go... Marriage, adoption, serving in the military etc.etc.etc.  But Guys... isn't one of the most wonderful things about being Gay as opposed to being Str8 is that random sex is so much more possible for us than them?
     I wonder how many Str8 guys had some sort of sex with 8 different partners last night. Well..this old Gay Guy did.  And I will make no excuses for it..I HAD A GREAT TIME!  And Waiter Guy's friend was so much fun to be around. ( I think he got fucked 4 times) And Waiter Guy... he spent most of the evening with cum all over his face.
   I guess my point today is...Embrace who you are and do not hold back.  If you want to do it..just do it!   If you are in a Monogamous relationship and that works for you both... that is great!  But for is wonderful to know that there are still lots of guys who just want to do the sex thing for fun.


1 comment:

  1. I am always so happy to hear such powerful affirmations. Embrace your inner, and outer slut. It's okay to have... A LOT OF FUN! Why wouldn't it be? Who does it hurt? Not you, if you are healthy and happy, self-aware and not hung up on measuring up to someone else's repressed norms. Pin a bucky beaver badge on your nose and shine on you crazy diamond. Glad you had fun. (A tad jealous). - Uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque


Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!