Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sunday Sermon

          Good morning my friends!   I hope that you have been having a wonderful weekend so far!
Things here are quite good.    But first,I would like to take the time to welcome some new readers. I sure hope your stopping here means you like what you see and read.
Just remember one major thing…. I really do expect all my readers to be if not fully, then at least mostly naked while you check out the posts!  It is important to me to think that there are so many naked guys reading my words!
       Yesterday morning, I received an email from an old dear friend and fuck bud, We have not seen each other in maybe 15 years,but we have kept in touch.  He was bemoaning the fact that he is getting older (he is a little younger than I am).  He tells me he has not been sexually active in almost 3 years!
Well…. you can guess what I told him.  No sex in 3 years!  How could anyone go that long? Well, I guess it is possible, but damn if I could.  Three days and I am climbing the walls!  He says he is too old to go out and look for a fuck. What fuckin' bullshit! 
     Jerking off is great and pleasurable and wonderful. But as humans we need the touch of another human once in awhile. And since we are mostly all gay men here, we need a good fuck often.  yes, I use the word "need". I really believe that either sliding your Dick in or taking a Dick in, is  a spritual  activity.  And it's even more powerful than praying or meditating. Being that intimate with another man …… even if it is a random guy you do not even know…..continues to reinforce that you are alive and ready to honor who you are.  We are men who fuck other men and it is a good thing!
  So, my buddies…. the question today is….. what is the longest you have gone with out Fucking?


  1. From my first sexual experience, it's never been more than a week. A week is my limit!!!

  2. Well said! The touch of another dude is one of the most important things in life.

  3. As far as I can remember, once I went 10 days with out. On the 11 day I went crazy and fucked like a rabbit.

  4. i think hubby lost that memo maybe one of you should remind him


Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!