Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Twos for Tuesday ( Sex is Fun)

       Good morning to all of you.  Let me be honest here this morning. Well, I try to be honest with you in each post.  I want to admit something.  I know you will not be surprised by this. I LOVE SEX!
I always thought that as I got to a certain age, the desire would not be as strong. Boy, was I wrong!  I am so thankful that all my man parts are in great working order. And it must be said, I doubt I would be having as many sexing evenings if I did not live where I do.
     When I was a teen running the streets of NYC..I was cute,sexy and ready for anyone and anything.
When I was in my 20's I was a total hottie (or so I was told) and lower Manhattan was my playground.
By the time I was 25,I probably had sucked or fucked more than any guy should wish for. It was all about the great pleasure of being used or abused.  And all the shit that goes with it.  
     After my time in the Army and my living in the orient..I slowed down a bit and realized that I needed to be just a little more selective as to where and how I would use Da Dick O'Mine.  So, now I am not the total slut I used to be.  Well..not as often. And it seems so natural to me to still want many different sexing partners.  
   Most likely most of you are gay or at least like to have gay sex once in awhile. Just remember to be good to yourself and choose your partners with a little care.  Sex is fun and should be treated as such.


  1. "Sex is fun and should be treated as such." and the guys in the photos today are prime examples of the truth of that statement!!!

  2. Today's post is exactly why I keep coming back. You are honest about yourself and you post great photos.

  3. I heart sex too. Being a gay man makes it all the more better.

  4. I love sex. Still see it as my number one hobby. Maybe my prime directive. But, that said, I am beginning to see the wisdom in being a bit more selective. Unless... you're in an environment (bathhouse, sex party) where it's all about the buffet - which is becoming more of a twice a year thing for me. I think it's important to be very upfront about what you do want... and even more upfront about what you don't. - Uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque


  6. I used to go down to the Lower East side and cruise the "Trucks" parked for the night down there and also the piers. Man those were the days. I was much hotter and younger then but I still love being a slut like that still. I guess it's just a part of me I can't shake (or don't want to.)


Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!