Thursday, June 7, 2012

2 for Thursday

          Hey, hello there!  Is that my friend sitting at a computer in your undies?  Yep... it is you!  So glad you have taken time out of your day to stop by and check out my little blog. I was up late last night  watching some porn.  Damn, I really got into it... sometimes..well really most of the time!   I am a total porn junkie. Really!  Love all kinds!  So Da Dick O'Mine really got a work out last night. And loved it. And then I woke up hard this morning. I got real brave and took my hard one outside and knocked on the neighbor guy's door.... I told him it was his turn to suck ME off.    What a surprise... he had company in his bed!  What else could I do but let the 2 of them suck on me.  It is true, sometimes 2 are better than one!


  1. Damn it, why don't I have neighbors like that?!?!?!

  2. 2 are always better than one. And where can I find neighbors like yours???

  3. sounds like you had a nice morning and you are looking lovely today as well :)


  4. Double your pleasure, Double your fun.,........only if you are man enough :-) :-)

  5. Hey QH, I don't get around much but when I do I sure love it here. Keep up the great work you do. Cheers, AOM


Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!