Sunday, September 2, 2012

"what the Fuck was I thinking?"

              Good morning everyone!  I hope all of you in the USA are enjoying your three day holiday weekend.  Knowing my readers, I am sure most of you are planning or have already had some hot, sloppy and messy sex!   Am I right?  I knew it.  I wonder how many of you can identify with that photo above?  From talking with guys I know... it has happened to lots of us.  Oh yes, me included.  that random sexy guy you pick up when you have had just a little to much to drink.  Then in the morning as you roll wonder "what the Fuck was I thinking?"  Then you realize you were not thinking.
You look over at the floor and thankfully there is a used condom.  Ok! then comes the worst part.... he wakes up and you just know he is thinking the same thing. The get away is always easier if you happen to be at his place.  then you can just let him know it was fun and you will call him sometime as you grab your undies and head out the door.  But if you are at your own place.... not as easy.  You are silently thinking.."I hope he just leaves".  And when he finally does, you vow never to do that again.
Sure, you really mean that..until the next time.


  1. I've never had sex while drunk so this has never happened to me, haha!

  2. I must admit this has happened to me. NOT GOOD!
    Your photo today is cool

  3. I must admit i lived a really shelter life and that never happened at all but then because of health issues I never took my first drink till this year. oh well such is life and i'm still young enough to live it. hope you are enjoying the long weekend. xoxo

  4. LOL! I have to admit, I've been there! Oh, damn. And it took forever to get rid of him. Worst part about it though: I wasn't drunk when I invited him. But my thought when I woke up and saw him lying there: Oh, fuck!!!! What was I thinking?!?


Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!