Sunday, December 23, 2012

Lots of photos today for you.

   Good morning and welcome back!   I got a question for all of you.  What would you do if one of your best buddies ...... this is someone who I fuck once in awhile ...... told you in a drunkin' moment that he has often been swiping quite a bit of money from the cash drawer where he works?   And to top it off, I know his boss fairly well.  I'm not really sure if I should say something or not.  I would love to know what you think.
          Yesterday did not turn out to be a relaxing day at home.  One of our celebrity clients decided they had to have their house filled with flowers before his guests arrived!  We really scrambled all afternoon to get the job done.  I was totally pooped by the end of the day!   I was so glad that i had Aldo and Max's Underwear party to go to.    
          Their party was great!  It turned out terrific.  I met some really cool new guys. This was the first time that most of these guys had been to an underwear party. So, it was rather low key and everyone was slowly getting a little drunk as they were getting comfortable with the situation.  Max had hired a dancer as entertainment..... a hot cute 20yr old .....  When he took of his underpants and really got into his dance.... things really picked up. One of the guys reached over and sucked on the dancer's semi hard uncut Dick.  It wasn't too much longer and the room seemed to be filled with hard dicks in mouths.  Me? Well I will just say that having three new young guys licking and sucking on  me sure made up for the cruming afternoon I had.  Sometimes it is really good to be the oldest one in the room.! It was like I was a novelty to these younger guys.
      Before I go and take a nice long morning piss... I wanted to remind you o send me your photos for the New Year Reader Submission!



  1. Some more very hot pix!!! Still not sure of the whole pissing thing though. What a great way to forget about a really crappy day!! Glad all went well and you had some fun!!!
    As for your friend.....well, in my way of thinking friends are one thing, but stealing is never right and since you know his boss too that makes it worse. I myself would have to say something. I just could not let someone steal from anyone, let alone someone else i know.

  2. Totally understand your day....that was my Friday! Just remember you take your licks! The bad and the good :) hehehe huggles

  3. Well, If it were me, once I new about the stealing, it wouldn't settle for me to let it go on. Even thou odds are against the friend, I'd still let the boss know about your "suspicions".
    Oh...btw...I really enjoyed my coffee this am, while viewing your pic's of the day...)))

  4. Tell the boss. Mr lightfingers cant be trusted. He is a liar. But in the end, How hot is he?

  5. I would stay out of it and not say anything. You don't want to find yourself caught up in the middle of some drama. And I would be cautious about hanging out with this person any more. If he could steal from one person he could very well do shady stuff to you.

  6. I agree with ultramanrickster - stay out of it. To say something is just to get yourself in the middle of what will become a really sticky situation - I also agree that you should begin to limit your association with this person. He could very well do the same to you if given the chance.

    Some really HOT guys.. thanks again for the great post.


Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!