Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A few really good friends

      Good Morning!  Welcome to another day!  Another day to rejoice in the fact that you are alive! Another day to rejoice in the fact that you are a guy! And another day to rejoice in the fact that your friends all have Dicks to play with, if you wanted too.  
       I know some of you new readers might thing that Dicks and Sex is that is all that is ever on my mind. Well...like most guys..sex is almost always on my mind. And this little blog here is about being sexual and happy and free of any inhibitions you might have.  Sex is good! Sex is fun! Sex can be a bonding experience! Sex can keep you going another day when all else seems a little lost. 
      I know that I am sort of on a one note theme lately here at Queer Heaven... but those of you who are not doing any type of sex with a lover, a buddy or even just a stranger are giving up a major part of life and living well.   At least I hope that you are Jerking off alone and cumming often each day.
    So, go grab a friend's Dick and tell him you want it!  It might surprise you to find out he is interested. 


  1. Friends are very important in life. Even asexuals (soloists) have friends - but not necessarily for sex - though it wouldn't stop them from wanking off with a buddy every now and then.

  2. AMEN! Good enjoy each other. Wishing you a great day, bud. Cheers, AOM

  3. any day you can have a asshole on your mouth like the shot here or a big cock like the shot here in you mouth is a GREAT day!


Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!