Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Hurray for Da Dick!

     Good morning my Dick loving friends!   Yep Da Dick!  That most wonderful part of the male anatomy. The friend that has stayed with you through all your drama.  The one friend that can both make you feel so good and sometime make you wonder "what the fuck have I done?" I know that Da Dick O'Mine has gotten me in trouble a few times over the years.  He has often been in places he should have known better.  And then he has also been deep inside some guy that just made the entire world seem right.   Sometimes he pops up at the wrong time. Sometimes he decides not to stand up when I need him to. But mostly he goes on like a trouper and does the job just perfectly.
    For me... one of the most wondrous things about a Dick is that there are so many different shapes and sizes.  It seems impossible to think anyone could get tired of Da Dick.  And we are so lucky to be Gay men... We get to play with our own as often as we wish.  
    OOPS! Da dick O'Mine just popped up and is letting me know it is time for a good morning cum.



  1. I too am fascinated by the various sizes and shapes of the penis. In the past, I would never want anyone to see my penis when it was cold, tiny, or tight. Now, I think it is quite marvelous how the penis changes, grows, shrinks, and hardens.

  2. great cocks on this post! all different size,color,beauty!

  3. A man's cock is truly his best friend. As you said, always there through all kinds of drama!


Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!