Monday, September 16, 2013


         Good morning!  Glad you dropped by for a quick chat this morning.  Yeah, it will be quick.... gotta rush off to the office early today.  I wanna thank you all for all the comments and emails. And I really love it when you tell me all bout your sexual encounters.  You really are a horny bunch!  
          Yesterday was really nice... well sort of.... We had mostly rain and clouds.... So I stayed in the apartment all day.  I did not get dressed, did not shave or shower... I still had the dried cum from the waiter guy in my pubes!  I did not do anything constructive. I laid around and watched cable and ate all day. And wanked off a couple of times. It was quite nice.  But I gotta tell you..I really smell bad this morning!  So...I shall post these photos and go shower and head off to work.  have a good week, my friends!



  1. Though plans were canceled, it sounds like you had a nice weekend anyway, and truly enjoyed yourself. Yep, those curious str8 dudes can be fun - but, married bi guys can be even better!


Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!