Tuesday, September 17, 2013

when was your first Blojob? NSFW

       Good morning my dear friends!   I have a question for everyone this morning.   When i was out the other evening with a couple of friends, the conversation got around to blow jobs!  It was interesting to me that every one of these guys had or gave their first blo when they were under 16.  Me? I was 14 when I first felt the joy of  Dicks in my mouth.   how did I feel?  I think I realized at that moment ...this is what I was going to do for many years! And the first time that a guy came in my mouth!  Holy Fuckin' Shit... I just went crazy with pleasure.  Here I was... a 14 yr old kid and this "big brother" had just shot his cum in my mouth.  I was in aw! And I could not wait to do it again.
     So, my very horny friends...when did you start licking and sucking?  I want each and every one of you to please leave a comment  and let all the other Queer Heaven Guys know.



  1. What a cool blog! To answer your question, I was 13 and my cousin showed me all about Dick Sucking.

  2. My brother and our buddies may have introduced me to the wonders of mutual jacking, but I received my first blow job when I was 19 - from a woman who earned the nickname "velvet lips." (An accounting of it is in one of the posts on my blog somewhere.) Gave my first one when I was 26 and loved every inch of that guy's dick. When he came, I sucked that thing for all I was worth! (An accounting of this is also detailed in my blog.)

  3. I was a Freshman in High School when I did my first one. I still remember the look on my friend's face when he cam in my mouth.

  4. My first Blow Job was when I was at summer camp. I was 14 or so.

  5. My first was from an older guy at a shopping centre (toilets) at age 14. I got hard but didn't cum, I was too nervous. He begged me to go to his place where I could meet his 19 year old "friend". I refused and caught the bus home. My first real bj was from a guy in his twenties at age 16 in the local park after school one day. He was really cute. I came in his mouth and he spat it out and told me I should never do that again.
    Now I give a warning.

  6. justin -if he dosn't want cum,he shouldn't put cock in his mouth! mine was 12 yrs old with friends brother(no cum)would love to find some clean cock at bathrooms or bike trail to suck and taste their cum;0

  7. I was 19 and I've been hooked on getting blow jobs ever since


Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!