Sunday, September 22, 2013

My Sunday Sermon

        Good morning and welcome to Queer Heaven!  Thanks for spending a little time here.  I want to also welcome the new followers and readers.  If you are new hope is that you will not only get a boner and cum, but that you will realize how important it is to be true to who you are.  And of course the other thing I always try to get across here is that good, healthy, mind blowing sex is not just for the young. 
      Us older guys rock!  If you are one of those guys who is sitting there at your computer, bemoaning the fact that you cant't find a sex partner... or maybe you keep telling yourself that you are waiting to be in love before you fuck some guy.  WAKE UP!!  It is very rare that sex comes just walking in your door.  
    You gotta put yourself out there and look for it.   You do not need to be young and buff and hung like a horse to be happily sexually active.    Come on now.... you all have seen photos of me. (there are some on the side bar)  I'm not young or well built. Da Dick O'Mine is average in shape and size....!  So, take to heart what I am saying. Do not just sit at home and feel sorry for yourself. Get out there and start having sex!  Go a head and be slutty if you want to. Being sexual is a major part of who you are. Just remember ... a Happy Dick makes for a Happy Man!
P.S.  I forgot to mention that Da Dick O'Mine had a great time last night!  This guy's ass was even better than I expected.  He totally knew how to play bottom. Will I see him again? Well...guess what He is in the bathroom right now and I am gonna join him in the shower.



  1. I agree my friend. Sex comes to those who seek it, it won't show up at your door suddenly.

  2. Thanks for your inspiring motivational sermon. It is one I constantly have to remember. Thanks for all you do for us. Have a super day, bud. Cheers, AOM

  3. i'd be very happy to walk up and find the guy on toilet for a long blumpkin! that would make both our days


Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!