Monday, October 21, 2013

Condoms or not?

         Good morning and welcome to another week!   I hope you had a wonderful weekend.  Me? I did exactly what I had planned.  Not much of anything.  I enjoyed my own company for the entire day. Beach, bike ride, dinner out, watched movies and of course jerked off.  A great day!
         I received an email yesterday from a longtime reader asking me to clarify something about condoms.  I am sure I have talked about this before, but maybe I need to let you understand how I handle this.  First of all, I would never pass judgement on any guy on the condom subject.  But, I just do not have sex without them.  All my regular buddies know this and comply. As for a new butt I am thinking of getting into.... they are told upfront I only use condoms. And if I am playing bottom the same thing goes.   And as you can imagine, there have been a few who refuse and only want to do the deed bareback.  Sorry!  I just will not do it. Why in the earth would I take a chance?  
   As far as Oral Sex and swallowing that`amazing cum?  From all I know and all I have read there is no way to contract the HIV Virus this way.  Thank goodness..because I really enjoy that salty taste.
    Ok... things your way, but remember, it is your choice and the outcome is up to you.



  1. A good post...can never be told this enough....maybe it will sink in and help someone!!!

  2. Once again an important post. Thanks!

  3. Very true, oral sex does not transmit the HIV virus. As for barebacking you should always assume that someone has something whether they think they do or not. But it's the guy's choice in the end.

  4. if your going play then play safe for sure

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Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!