Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Good morning!

  Good morning!   I hope you are doing good this fine morning.  While you are sitting there at your computer... hopefully in with your Dick in your hands.... I want to welcome all the new readers .  And of course thank all my faithful readers for being so kind with your comments and emails.  I was a little afraid that the posts lately about getting sluty and having lots of random sex, might turn some of you off.  Well, it sure does not seem that way.  I figure that all of you, weather you really go out and do it or not..are sluts at heart. One reader emailed me and said how much he wished he could be as free and open about sex as I am.   There really is no answer... you have just got to learn to be comfortable with yourself and find the way that makes you the happiest. If you are sitting at home wishing you were having sluty random sex, and not doing anything about it.  Then it is up to you to make those changes.
     Another email was all about how wonderful his committed monogamous was.  I say..that is great and more power to him.  Being happy and sexually fulfilled is so important to our well being.



  1. Whatever makes a guy happy and content - If it's lots of random hook-ups or staying with the same person, it's all good.
    It's only when we begin to push our wants and needs onto others that we begin to find trouble.

  2. You are who you are, and that is why we visit your blog.

  3. I love your taste in images. Just beautiful! I totally agree - Do what makes you happy - be who you are. Have a super day, buddy. Cheers, AOM


Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!