Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Just not into him that way

        Good morning my friends!   I see there are a few new readers these past couple of days.  Welcome to my little blog and I hope you get something from being here. Even if it is nothing more that a good boner.  I try to get my readers all worked up and ready for their day and of course ready for whatever sexual encounters that might arise during the day.
     See the photo above..... it is not him, but I thought you might like to know what my Waiter Guy looks like.  Not the face..but damn that is exactly what his sweet body looks like. Even the package is similar.  Now do you understand why this old Queer goes crazy when he is around.  Some times I wish I were "in love" with him.  I know he understands how I feel, but I also know that he has not changed his being "in love" with me.  He has not brought it up the past couple of times we have been sexing..and neither have I thats for sure.  He is one of those guys that really wants a relationship that is more than what we  have.   It just is not in me!  Oh well... at least I still get to fuck his ass and suck up his cum.   
    Ok.... off to work now... enjoy today's photos, and remember to let me know what you think.



  1. Yes your blog does often give me a boner.

  2. Well, someday he will meet someone who will want the same. Until that day rolls around, he's got you to play with and you get to enjoy that nice, young, hard body. It's win-win, right?

  3. Note: Your "View my complete profile " is not working.
    Comment: You mentioned the other day the absolute necessity for the use of rubbers/protection/condoms (Showing my age!) when having anal intercourse....apparently not for oral though as you love the taste of cum in your mouth. Right? Thanks...been traveling and missing the site, but back home now!

  4. Hey at least you're not one of those idiots who jump into relationships from one person to another. There is nothing wrong with being single and free.



Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!