Friday, October 25, 2013

I'm taking a break.....

    Good morning all my dear horny friends!  Well, like I mentioned yesterday..I fear my home  imac has died.  I am taking him to the Apple store today for his check up and maybe his final farewell.  Buying a new one was sure not in my budget for this month.  But got to have my imac!  
    I am also thinking that maybe this is a good time to take a day or two break from blogging.  I am going to my nude meditation group tomorrow anyway. And I have a strong feeling that waiter guy will be ready to play on Saturday evening.  So... Sit back, pull out your Dick and go and jerk off and if you are like me when I jerk off... lick up all  your tasty cum!


  1. We all need a break every now and then... ENJOY!!!!

  2. Hope the iMac isn't too terribly expensive. Unexpected expenses sure can put a damper on things. Have a great time at the meditation group!

  3. just a day or two sir :)

  4. Hope all goes well...enjoy your break! I am planning one in the near future, myself.

    XO FFB

  5. Such tasteful photos. Sad to hear about your IMac. Hope it gets better soon. As for taking a break... I know the feeling. Recharge your batteries. Perhaps The Waiter can help with that. Enjoy. And hurry back. We will miss you. - Uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

  6. A few days of Meditatiion and Play....a good prescription for any of us...."Enjoy" as the waiter will surely say.....


Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!