Friday, October 11, 2013

Shake your Dick at the world and Come out!

       Good morning my dear friends!   Ah Friday!   And it is a special Friday.  It is National Coming Out Day.  I get the feeling that most of my readers are already Out and open about your sex life.  But if you are one of those guys that are still hiding in the closet... Get the fuck out!  I know that coming out is a very personnel thing to do.  And each of you need to make that choice on your own.  But just think about it this way...... Staying hidden is quite a selfish thing to do.  You are only thinking of how it will affect you.  Look at the bigger picture.... The more of us that are out and totally visible to the world the better off all of us are.  It is just so important specially now!  With the Russian backlash and their new Nazi type anti gay laws and some countries announcing that they are going to not allow gays to enter their countries.   And the Fucking Christians in our own country trying to stop all our gains,,,,, it is time to stand up and shake your Dick to the world and Come out!


  1. The worst thing about other countries turning back the clock on gay rights is the fact that it's the religious extremists from OUR country going overseas to lead the battles. Personally, I think if the religious extremists in the US think it's so awful, they should move the fuck out.
    With that said... Have a good weekend, Michael!

  2. I've been away for a few days from the web and I lost a lot of your post!! I absolutely have to read previous issues and your fascinating adventures :))))


Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!