Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Butts & Balls for Wednesday

          Good morning and a Happy Wednesday to you!   Just a rather short post today.  I always feel like I should do more than just post photos each day here.  I think I do pretty good finding things to chat about with you.  But today.... I got nothing much!  
          The only thing I did want to tell you is that Randy called the other day to tell me that he spoke with Phil about me.  This cute chubby guy told Randy that he had lots of fun with me.  And wondered if he thought I would be up for another session sometime?  I told Randy...well you know what I told Randy.  I asked Randy what he thought about a threesome or maybe a foursome and add Waiter Guy.  
Then I realized that William is having another one of his Rentboi Parties soon..... I would totally enjoy watching Phil get fucked by a few guys.... if he was up to it
      My question for you all this morning is this...... Do you tell your buddy, your partner or your friends about the sexing you have been doing with another guy?


  1. Yes, I tell him...that way I do not have to worry about slipping up in a conversation about way...

  2. I have no secrets from him. He knows who I play with and what I do with them.

  3. Do I admit to buddies? Can't say it's an INITIATED topic of conversation, but if the question comes up - sure. As for my wife: The agreement is that I tell her ahead of time, if it's something that's been planned (like the Rent Boi parties).

  4. My Boyfriend does not want to hear what I do with other guys as long as I play safe and come back home to him.

  5. I don't have sex with other guys if I have a boyfriend. I'm committed to him only. Now if he wants to do a threesome it will have to use condoms but I believe in monogamy

  6. no answer possible from me: always been single!!!
    thanks for your comment here:

  7. love the hair on last one! "rim job':)


Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!