Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Nothing much today

            Good morning and thanks for deopping by.  Short post this morning.  I am in one of those moods where some of the thing I wanted to tell you,just sort of are still lodged in the back of my brain.  I will get them sorted out and get on with them maybe tomorrow.  
            I do want to say that I was a little surprised that the comments yesterday sort of confirms my thoughts on talking and screaming during sex. A reader emailed me and said  that he thought that those verbal yells come from the fact that we all watch porn and those guys do a lot of grunting and stuff.  Do real guys make those noises because they think they are supposed to because that is what they see in the movies?  I wonder?
         OK....a quick jerk off for me and then off to work.   Let me hear from you if you have never left a comment.  


  1. the only thing I can add is that when I make sex, I'm so deeply involved into it, that I don't have any will of screaming or speaking or whatever.

  2. I think your supposition is correct: We see men in porn and think that's what is expected, when in reality most people don't like too much verbal interruptions because it distracts from the pleasure. Granted, there are those who love it; the more vulgar and loud, the better.

  3. Agreed. Over the top verbalization is to me a big turn off. JUST SHUT UP and enjoy!!!

  4. To much talk is a turn off for me as well, but I like to get some indication you are enjoying what I am doing.

  5. If the guys are trying to be like the "porn stars", then they must also be endurance men in the bed...How many of us really fuck as long as the guys in the movies. With just a little look at the movie, you can tell they are not made at one fucking, but mostly over several times. LOL

  6. Hello! I'm sure it will come as no surprise, but I make lots and lots of noise(s) during sex. It turns the boyfriend on and me, too. It may have something to do with porn talk, but I find the natural grunts and heavy breathing that takes place between the sheets (and in the kitchen, the hallway, on the sofa, etc.) makes things exciting. Hate the canned stuff, but honest expression? Bring it on. Hope all is well. - Uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque


Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!