Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tows for Tuesday

            Good morning!   As usual I am sitting here in my undies drinking my morning cup of coffee, and figuring out how to respond to one of yesterday's comments.  Fellow blogger and regular commentor Justin asked if I was starting a new religious cult and that my way seemed quite lonely.
          I appreciate the question and it really got me thinnking last night.  I'll start by saying that this little blog of mine is mainly about the joys of man to man sex. And my take on how to navigate through this life as a sexual being.  Over the past years that I have been blogging, I have often received emails that tell me that I focus on sex too much. Well..... Damn!  I am a man and it seems to me that mostly all men focus on sex most of the day even if they do not admit it.
        A new religious cult?  No way..I am following the Buddhist way in my life and it works just fine as it is.  And as for being lonely..... Who the fuck has time to be lonely? I may not have or want a life partner...that is my choice.  We all make our own choices and learn to live with them.  And my choices have led me to this point in my life.  A really good life I might add.
      I also know that what works for me is not what is going to work for you or you or you.  We each need to find our own path in our own way.  My way seems to include lots of sexing.  And I am so grateful that Da Dick O'Mine is happy and healthy and contines to be pleased with what I allow him to do.
     Be honest with yourself..are the choices you have made been working for you?  Whatever those choices may have been... there is always time to make new choices.
     Shit!!!! I just reread what I wrote above...at first I was thinking I got a little too heavy and preachy...but no.... I really do believe that what I said is the right way for MY life and hopefully something I said will help some of you who are not fulfilled sexually,,make some changes in your life. 
P.S>   Justin's blog is alwaysworth stopping by.


  1. What is good for me may not be good for you...but I do it anyway, Just as you do....Great!! Wish we would apply that to other facets of our existence as well!!..

    And I like all the TOws for Tuesday!!! (Must have had a second or third or forth glass of wine last night!!!)

  2. Men's minds do spend an inordinate amount of time on their cocks and how to get more sex. It's simply the way our brains are wired...and it seems to me that Buddhism helps us to appreciate that.

  3. We all gotta do what is right and best for ourselves, sharing with each other what we find as we go along. Most of us definitely gots sex on the brain and I agree with WHK that the lessons of mindfulness and meditation do deepen my own spiritual/sexual connection for me. Have a beautiful day, buddy. Cheers, AOM


Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!