Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sunday...... We are sexual beings and need lots of sex!

              Good morning!   I hope you are having a wonderful weekend, and if you are in the  USA enjoying a three day weekend.  I will admit here and now..this weekend is all about sex for me and my buddies!  Shallow? Maybe, but who cares!   
              There are many, many things that make my life good that keep me engaged and mentally healthy.  I have a deep belief in how life works and how it does not work sometimes.   There are a few of you who have written and questioned me on how do you learn to get over this bad situation or that bad boyfriend.  
              If you find that a certain activity does not being the correct outcome.. change it. If you find that a way of thinking might cause you pain... dump it!  And most important, I think, is to just be true to your own needs.   Do not listen to others who tell you that you should be doing this or not doing that.  
            We as Gay men, need to remember that sex of any kind with a consenting partner or group of partners.... is good for your soul.  And often it is the variety of types of Dicks and Asses that deepens that spiritual part of us.
            Ok... this next statement might get me in trouble with some.... This whole thing lately that only a Monogamous long term relationship can make us happy.  BULL SHIT! Yes that  is true for a limited number of men.  But the vast majority want and need sexual diversity.  
         So, I hope that you will not listen to anyone, even your partner about this. If you feel that having many random sexual encounter is what you need...go for it.  If you feel that your "boyfriend" does not do his sexing correct with you...tell him you need a change. It is your life and your choice how to continue being a healthy fulfilled spiritual sexual being!

1 comment:

  1. Great thoughts! I need sex! I need men! I need dicks!


Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!