Sunday, June 22, 2014

Getting ready

             Welcome to Queer Heaven!   It is late Friday afternoon as I write this post.  As you are aware I am going to that short Meditation Retreat.   And I guess that when you are reading this on Sunday, I will be naked and enjoying the relaxing time being nude mostly outdoors with other like minded guys.  My mind and soul are prepared for these next 2 days & 2 nights. Whenever I do these, I need to prepare myself.  One BIG thing is that there is no alcohol or cigarettes allowed, nor is a cell phone.  We are also suposed to fast the day before which means I have only had Apple Juice since Thursday night. And...... and this is the hard one...NO SEX OR JERKING OFF until we have arrived and had our first Friday Evening Session.  
            A major part of these retreats is to reinforce your own self image.  How completely wonderful you body is and how comfortable you can get with other men.  Being naked is such a freeing thing. And when you are arround other nude guys for hours on end,you begin to really see how comfortable you can be.  I am not just talking about sex... I mean real comfort.  Can you let your guard down and do everything out in the open where any of these guys can watch you.  And yes, this includes having a pee or taking a dump. EVERYTHING is out in the open.  Or having another guy wash your butt hole or your pubic hair or your feet for you.  It is allowing yourself to allow some one else do things to you that you usually only do for yourself.
         Ok..... it is time fo me to pack my stuff and get ready to leave.  All I am allowed to bring is a pillow and a blanket. No extra clothes, no tooth brush or soap.  Just me and my Dick!


  1. This workshops sounds great. Wish I could go. I have not been to a name gay retreat for a long time

  2. I hope that everything went well. But why not take advantage of the days when you can not smoke, to quit smoking permanently?


Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!