Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Just some thoughts today

                Good morning!  I was sitting on my terrace early this morning in my underwear,sipping on a large cup of morning coffee, when I realized how fortunate I am to be where I am at this point in my life.   We all know that life is about choices.... and I have made some doozies in the past. But it is important to remember ALL those choices, both positive ones and harmful ones, have made us who we are today.  With that in mind life should not be filled with regrets!  Nor should you wish for "a do over".  You are where you are because this is where you are supposed to be in your travel through this life.
               Do not fret if the "love of your life" got away. You learned something from him.  Do not be upset because you did not get a certain job. Do not berate yourself for not having more sex. Do not sit there with your Dick in your hand and just watch the world go by. Do not allow yourself to remain in the past and dwell on situations that will never come back.  
               Take the time each and every morning to thank yourself for being who you are. And if you are not happy with where you are.... fix it!   


  1. Good advice, Michael. My FIL does nothing BUT live in the past. Well, between bouts of imagined illnesses. Oy...

  2. A great :Sermon". or just words...whichever, I appreciate your post!!!

  3. decisions made in the past formed our future! and we never understood this;(
    but that first shot with that cock up boys ass made me feel better:)

  4. last pic: is it your hand & your nectar?

  5. Great words of encouragement!


Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!