Monday, July 21, 2014

Just Dicks! Those lovely Dicks!

               Good morning my dear sweet readers!   I hope that each and every one of you had a really good weekend! After my mostly naked Saturday "play date"..... I spent Sunday on the beach just soaking up the rays!  I was not sure what to post about this morning, then I checked my emails and the photo above was there.  One of you new readers sent this to me to post.  I am not sure if it belongs to him or not.  But it sure is one totally beautiful Dick!!  
             So...I decided to just post some Dick pictures I had in an old file...enjoy!


  1. Well, it is evident that you know a good dick when you see one!!! Delicious as well!!!!!

  2. omg! thank you ;0..... those cocks are beautiful but the cocks with those beautiful hairy holes got me so hard i'll need to rub one out ;))

  3. Donny Wright in B&W is so hot! So are the rest of the photos! Love it!

  4. What a wonderful luck to receive from such photos which open very pleasantly the appetite!!!

  5. Spero che il weekend di nudità e mare sia stato bellissimo, come le foto che hai messo sul post :)

  6. Scott said....

    Hot dudes and their cocks.. Love them... "Butt my favorite is the last one.. hot hairy man butt and nice cock..:):)



Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!