Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Soft Dicks

    Good morning my friends!  Well, I've got my morning coffee here by my side, and I have taken the time to answer quite a few emails you guys sent me.  So... check your in box for my answers.  So many questions!  I think maybe tomorrow or at least one day soon, I will do a post of questions you have asked and my humble answers.  One thing I will say today... is that If you are looking for relationship answers, you have come to the wrong person.   If you have been reading this blog for any amount of time, you must realize that I just do not do any type of traditional relationship.  More power to those of you who have been able to make  those work.  Sorry, but i really do find the whole one on one relationship thing quite unnatural.  I would never put anyone down for wanting or needing that type of relationship.  But for me.... nah!  There are just too many wonderful guys out there with such a variety of personalities and Dicks to limit myself to just one for a lifetime.  But if you are a regular reader here...then you already know that about me.
     So, thinking of all those wonderful dicks that need to be taken care of in one way or is a post of Soft dicks for your pleasure.



  1. Soft dicks and balls full of cum waiting to be emptied and enjoyed! MMMMMM

  2. have a wonderful day my friend!! Huggles

  3. Dear Queer Heaven Author,
    Yours is one of the finest blogs on the web. I read it every day. I appreciate your candor, honesty, and your choice in men.

    Hope that all stays well with you. (Was in the hospitality industry for over twenty years so you have my understanding.)

  4. How Lovely. Thanks for all these beautiful images. I hope you are doing well and having fun. Cheers, AOM

  5. what beautiful guys! it would be nice to work all those dicks and balls and get that cum :)


Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!