Friday, March 1, 2013

Another Friday

    Good morning my friends!   I'm relaxing here in my undies drinking my morning coffee trying to get my head together for the next couple of days.  We are so fucking busy at work!  We have a  medium size party today, 2 small showers tomorrow and a very large luncheon on Sunday. this one on Sunday needs to be set up by 10AM and it is for 850 people!  that means 90 Centerpieces.  UGH! We will be working around the clock to finish it all.  Sometimes I wonder why I am in this business.
        At least I have Sunday afternoon to look forward to ( that is if I am still alive)  William is having one of his underwear & vodka cocktail parties.  I love these.  So, I might not be posting tomorrow. 
Here are today's photos...enjoy...and I hope you are able to have a more relaxxing weekend that I will.



  1. Have a good weekend and drink plenty of vodka at that party. You'll need it. I love the pic of the guy with the very hairy butt, followed by smooth butt in jockstrap.

  2. Being in the same biz, I wonder that as well very often. But when you hear the gasps of surprise at the beautiful outcome, it kinda makes it worth while. Although I definitely know the absolute exhaustion when trying to pull off those huge events. Wish that the compliments and happiness of clients could rejuvenate the body as well as the spirit. Hang in there!! Huggles!!

  3. Don't work too hard mate. Love the pic of the guy in the jockstrap.

  4. Hope it goes by smoothly and fast! Then enjoy your Sunday afternoon - just you and your dick!

  5. nice cocks and balls -love the hair on all parts :)


Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!