Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Getting hard at work!

  Good morning all my horny friends!  Sex! Sex! Sex!  Sometimes I do wish that Sex was not always on my mind. Oh sure, I do get caught up with what i am doing at work and the thought of Sex might not be on my mind for a while or so.  But then out of nowhere Dat Dick O'Mine gets a twitch and starts to get hard for no reason at all.  Even a guy my age still gets those unwanted hards at the most inappropriate times.  Example..... yesterday afternoon.  I am sitting across the couch with a new bride to be and her fiance doing their first consultation.  Things are going good, when I glance over that this guy and realize he has a mighty full crotch! Oh my! I feel that twitch and my balls tighten up and 
Da Dick O' Mine decides to start to grow.  This is not good!  I grab one of my folders and place it on my lap and try to continue.  But now all I am thinking about is that crotch of his.  Being the professional that I am... I finish the consultation by focusing mostly on the bride and what she is saying.  And trying very much not to think about what is going on in my pants.  But then this fiance gets up and readjusts his pants ( you know how str8 guys keep readjusting their balls) and I feel precum dripping from Dat Dick O'Mine.  Thankfully, we are finishing up this consultation, and they soon leave.  I make a bee line to to the rest room and let Da Dick out and let him cum.  OYE! These things should not happen at work!  



  1. could you please tell this soon to be groom that he needs to have a consultation with me? and ooooh we might discuss flowers for his wedding but no promises :) Have a great day my friend! Huggles

  2. Wonderful way to start the day. Thanks buddy. Cheers, AOM

  3. Well, our cocks sure do what they want, when they want, don't they? They'll misbehave at the drop of a hat and exactly when we don't want them to! But, you're a better man than I am, my friend, because I wouldn't have tried to hide my boner. Wood happens... :-)

  4. This is NOT making it easy to keep my promise of not jerking @ work

  5. You are certainly not alone in this type experience!! And in other public places as well...such as in the restaurant with the hot young waiter and his tight jeans covering a great set of buns...MMMMM

  6. I know the feeling buddy. Random thoughts of sex and hard ons happen to me all the time.

  7. aw you poor thing not great timing on Da dick part at all but lucky the meeting was close to being over. have a wonderful evening

  8. love toilet shots! soooo private! would love to watch guys shitting and wiping;)


Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!