Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sex for Sex's Sake!

     Good morning guys!   This is a good time to welcome the new followers and the new readers who might not have clicked on to become followers.  As you read my daily posts, you will find out what is going on in this Queer's life as I navigate being a Buddhist and an older gay guy.  The ups and downs of being who I am and who I am supposed to be.  You all know how difficult being gay can be sometimes.  We all have our stories. We all have our heartaches. We all have our joys.  And as we get older and become totally comfortable with who we are, things sometimes get harder.  
             I often get emails asking how I am able to navigate and be so sexually active in a culture that is so based on youth. And isn't it all just empty sex?  My answer always is the same.... FUCK UM!  Yeah, who gives a Shit what others say?  Not me, that is for sure.   I found out long ago that Sex for Sex's sake is what it is all about.  When You have that mind set.... anything is possible.  If you happen to become emotionally attached to that Dick you have been sucking or that Ass you are fucking......all the better.  You might fall in love and want to be only with that Dick or Ass forever. More power to you.  But for me and thousands of other Queer guys... Sex for Sex's sake is still what being gay is mostly about.  Sex any where, anytime and with whoever is available.  Yep! 
       I am sure I will get emails and comments from some of you who disagree with me.... that is fine.... what works for me might not work for you.



  1. Our bodies - our cocks in particular - are there to provide us with pleasure. I'm not sure when in recorded history man became so obsessed with using it only to procreate and considering it as recreation to be dirty, or immoral. Men and women need to free themselves from the shackles of shame and enjoy what nature has given them! Sex for the sake of sex is freeing and enjoyable!

  2. You enjoy sex for sex's sake cuz you're a guy. Women get attached to sex, not men. For us it's just a fun activity, like eating or having a cocktail (no pun intended).

  3. you guys are right! what great shots with a dick up a asshole ,hugging and kissing than blowing a load in a warm ass -holding tight;)


Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!