Saturday, December 21, 2013

Friday Night on South Beach

           Good morning my dear, sweet, horny friends!  Well… it is 6AM here as I begin this post.  I know, what the fuck am I doing up at 6AM?   The truth? Sure, I have not been to bed yet. And for some reason I am wide awake.
          After William's Cocktail Party, William, his Twink and I went out to a small club here for a few more drinks. Now, remember this really is a small, but cosmopolitan beach town and I have lived here for 15 years. So, I know lots and lots of the locals. But, boy was I taken aback as I looked around the club. OMG!  How many of hess guys have had their cock in my mouth!?! There were a number of asses that had felt Da Dick O'Mine up inside them.  Some of them really good, some I hardly remember.  I guess that is what happens when you live in a very gay town.  Is it time to move on?  I doubt that I would be able to have the amount of sexing partners if I lived anywhere else.  And I do love the fact that I am only a 2 minute bike ride from the Ocean.  So..yes I am going nowhere.
        Anyway…. we three had quite a few more Vodkas and I was very bad.  An older couple, who I used to play with years ago saw me and…well…. yes I did!  In the restroom no less.  Ok..I am getting a little too old to be having a Dick in my mouth and a Dick in my ass in a club restroom stall!  And who should walk in on us?   Waiter Guy!!!  No, he did not join in, he just smiled and finished his pissing and left.  
      And here I am now…. smelling like vodka and cum.  Not a bad scent!


  1. Hmm, vodka and cum sure doesn't sound like a bad smell. And why would anyone ever be too old to get spit roasted in a bar restroom? That's called being young at heart and young at ass! :)

  2. You sure do know how to have a good time :)

  3. So, your time at the confessional should be interesting for the priest!!! LOL

    Good Work, and Keep It Up!!!

  4. Oh yeah I have moments where I'll be at a gay event or place and realize that I've had sex with half the guys there. I think this happens to most gay men (or at least the ones who know how to have fun).


Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!