Monday, March 11, 2013

Just another Monday

  Good morning all you sweet people!   i've got a bunch of photos today that have nothing to do with anything special.  Except that I think this set is one of the best I've put together in a while.  Some one asked how I choose the photos for each post.  Often there is no rhyme or reason. Often it is late in the night, while I am sitting drinking a vodka and rubbing on my balls and certain photos just give me a twinge.  Other times, I might have a certain subject I am thinking of posting about.  but most often I just like them.  I hope you would take the time to let go of your dick long enough to leave a comment and tell me what you like and what type of photos you might like me to post in the future.
       Enjoy your day today..... Mine should be rather quiet at work.  Oh... I will take the time to tell you all about what Marc had to say, when he found out that I write this blog... I will save that for tomorrow!



  1. Super collection - but, the guy kneeling in the tide pool is my pick to marry for a weekend.

  2. Your photo pics are always great! Hope you have a good day!!

  3. 14 really has a great set of balls i would love to play with anytime ;)

  4. i agree with Whkattk, you always choose great photos. The one today with the guy in his jock! Holy Shit! HOT!

  5. Super set of pix buddy! I really appreciate your taste. Have a great day. Cheers, AOM

  6. Love the guy in T-shirt and jockstrap.


Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!