Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Twos for Tuesday

 Good morning all my dear readers!    I am not sure why, but yesterday's post had 300 page views!  Damn, that is sure a lot of horny guys reading my stuff!  As long as I know you guys keep dropping by to see what is going on here.... I will keep posting.   Yeah, there was a slight moment the other morning when I was not sure if I would keep posting every day. I mean, I have been doing this for quite a long time now.  But, I realized that I really do enjoy the time it takes to put together each and every post.  So... you can count on a new post and hot photos every morning.   Remember, if you have any questions at all or there is something you want me to talk about... just send me an email. And of course if you feel really frisky...send me a photo of your stuff to post. queerheaven86@gmail.com.
      Ok.. this morning, like most Tuesdays, I've got photos of two guys together.. these I think are a great set of what two friends should be doing with each other.    Enjoy!



  1. Yeah... Friends, fuck buddies, friends with benefits, jack off buds... buds in general, with and easy enough relationship to enjoy being naked together and enjoying the pleasure...

  2. Funny, Sexy and Hot! Oh man I agree, these are for sure things you and your buddy should be doing.
    I am sure I am not alone when I say that I'm glad you are continuing with your morning posts.

  3. yes! thank you ;) makes my day when i see asshole eating first thing :)love the set today :)lots of hot 2 ups:- -: :)

  4. HOT! I love that first picture of the two guys rimming each other....ABSOLUTELY HOT!!!

  5. 300 hundred page views, impressive. I guess a lot of people have some pictures stored in their wank bank. The snowballing picture in this post in incredibly hot.


Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!