Thursday, September 4, 2014

I love naked groups!!!!

                  Good morning everyone!  I am in such a good mood today!  Not because of sex or anything... but my Boss is finally back from his 2 month summer vacation.  This means I will be able to finally take some time off soon.   Not sure what I will do yet.  But there is a Naked Sex Group coming up the end of September I am thinking about.  5 days at a lodge in the woods.  You all know this is my kind of thing!  Having sex 24/7...hell yes!  The theme this year is "get intouch with your real self".     What better way to get intouch, than staying naked for a week.  
              I've been to these types of weeks in the past, but never this one.  The ones I had been to before were for older gay men.  This one is for all ages.  25 and up.   Just sitting here and imagining all the different ages and types of guys..has sort of gotten me more in the mood to give it a try.  I know for sure Da Dick O'Mine is ready and will ing to go.


  1. I bet you'll enjoy a lot, you and your dick!!!

  2. That sounds like MY kind of week!

  3. Scott said...

    Now that's my idea of a vacation. I now YOU will have an awesome time. Have a "dog" or two or ten, on me:):):):)

    Always, thanks for the great pics.

  4. Sounds Like Something I would love to do


Ok Horny guys, leaving a message lets me know what you think.
OH....Make sure you have had at least one good cum today!